Now of course your going to want to customize this to your blog and what you want to link. So lets just say your writing a blog on flyfishing and you have several paragraphs or chapters. It’s easiest if you always use numbers for chapter or paragraphs or the points that you want to link from. So lets say chapter one is on “Fly Tying”, your code would look this:
<a href=”#1″>Fly Tying</a>
Chapter 2 is on “Casting to the Rise”, your code would look like this: <a href=”#2″>Casting to the Rise</a> Chapter 15 is on “How to Read the Currents”, your code would look like this: <a href=”#15″>How to Read the Currents</a> Yes, it’s that simple to make the title link, just change the numbers of the links and change the titles, all the rest of the code remains exactly the same. Pay attention to spacing that’s important. If you don’t have the spacing where it’s needed the link won’t work. Now, for the second part of the page jump. This is where the link above is going to link to, also called an anchor, it’s where the link we made above is going to “jump” to. This is just as easy with a small piece of code needed as well. Scroll down through your content and find where you want the link to go. As in the example above were going to use “Day 3 ~ Exploring the Bluffs” Before the title we enter this code: <a name=”3″></a> Our title should now look like this: <a name=”3″></a>Day 3 ~Exploring the Bluffs That’s it!! All you do is substitute your titles for the ones I used as an example, for instance lets use “Casting to the Rise” that we used above. We labeled that title number “2” so our code would read as follows: <a name=”2″></a>Casting to the Rise You only need to change the number in the code to match the corresponding number you used above for the original link and change the title each time to match the title of that same link. So lets put them together so you can see it better. We’ll use “Casting to the Rise” as an example and number it 8. Our code will look like this for the link: <a href=”#8″>Casting to the Rise</a> and that link will jump to the content of “Casting to the Rise” and that code will look like this: <a name=”8″></a>Casting to the Rise One thing to pay attention to while you’re in “Text” mode. If you have any other words or codes before or after your links you just created make sure you have a space between them. I’ll use an example of what I have run into in my own blog. Often times I see <address><address> or something like that before and after my titles or paragraphs. You want to make sure these do not run into your code. Space everything before your code and after your code in both the starting link and the anchor point that the link jumps to. For example if you see your title listed like this <address>Casting to the Rise<address>. You want to space that out before you enter your code. It may look like this when your done <address> <a href=”#8″>Casting to the Rise</a> <address><address> Just put a lot of space between them. the same goes for the anchor point or where the link jumps to. I hope that was an easy lesson and I certainly hope it helps you out if your trying to create page jumps and anchor points. You can see how I used mine here in these two blog posts. http:/2011/08/alaska-august2011/ http:/2013/05/dreaming-of-the-pacific-coast-highway/ Happy Blogging!!
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