December 12, 2024

MyNature Animal Tracks MyNature Tree Guide MyNature Animal Tracks MyNature Fishing App

MyNature Animal Tracks

MyNature Animal Tracks: The first comprehensive field guide to animal track identification available utilizing smart phone technology.

  • Featured by Apple “Apps for the Great Outdoors”
  • Editors Choice Award, iPhone Life Magazine, Summer 2010
  • Featured in iPhone Life “10 Best Apps for the Summer”
  • “MyNature App: Pocket Wilderness Expert” Huffington Post
  • Consistently one of the top 100 Reference Apps in iTunes


  • A database with 7 search-able track categories, and 5 search-able categories for scat, fully illustrated by size and shape for quick selection. (scat content not available for Android)
  • Illustrations of both fore and hind feet, with a complete description of track measurements, gait patterns used trail widths and animal life cycles.
  • Full color digital images of actual tracks, scat, and sign in the wild.
  • Gorgeous photos of each individual animal featured.
  • Illustrations of the most common gait pattern for each animal.
  • Sound files for an example of each animals vocalization.
  • Range maps showing each animals distribution across North America.
  • Completely self contained, no need for a wireless connection once downloaded.
  • Your own Nature Journal for notes, a built in ruler, tracking tips and much much more.

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MyNature Tracks Demo Video

MyNature Tracks Screen Shots