October 6, 2024

MyNature Animal Tracks MyNature Tree Guide MyNature Animal Tracks MyNature Fishing App

Happy Earth Day!

It’s here! Earth Day, and to celebrate the occasion and promote an education in Nature all our app are now free in the App Store.  Install one or all of the  MyNature Apps to learn how identify Moose tracks, Mink scat, Black Bear sign, what a Red Maples fruit looks like or how to tell the difference between an Eastern Red Cedars bark and a Tamarack trees.  Learn the differences between a Whitebark Pine and a Lodgepole Pine. Don’t forget if your ever planning a trip to Sequoia or Yosemite National Parks you’ll be happy to see we now have specific park apps to identify not only trees and tracks but over 220 wildflowers commonly found there.  Stop in pick up an app or two and help us celebrate Earth Day with an Education in Nature.

Here’s a list off the free MyNature  apps for this special day.

  • MyNature Animal Tracks & Scat
  • MyNature Tree Guide
  • MyNature State Tree Quiz
  • Yosemite Tracks, Trees & Wildflowers
  • Sequoia Tracks, Trees & Wildflowers
  • Mammal Tracks

Just click any one of the links on our homepage to download an app in iTunes.

Enjoy Earth Day!