September 10, 2024

MyNature Animal Tracks MyNature Tree Guide MyNature Animal Tracks MyNature Fishing App

National Park Week

We’re very happy to say that  two of the new MyNature Apps were submitted to Apple  to undergo the review process today.  If all goes well  Yosemite Tracks, Trees & Wildflowers and Sequoia Tracks, Trees & Wildflowers   will hit the app store by next friday, just in time for the start of National Parks Week.

We’ve combnined our animal track and tree app to make them specific to each National Park. We also included a brand new wildflower section as well.

You’ll now be able to identify over 30 mammals that make one of these National Parks their home.  Identify native trees as well as over 220 commonly found wildflowers.  

In the coming weeks we’ll be adding  Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Glacier and Grand Teton National Parks to the series.  Look for us in the App Store and we’ll make your next trip to one our beautiful parks and education in nature!!

We’re proud to tell you that for every National Park App sold throughout the year we here at MyNature personally donate $1.00 to the following park foundations.

  • National park Foundation
  • Grand Canyon Association
  • Glacier National Park Fund
  • Grand Teton National Park Foundation
  • Yellowstone National Park Foundation
  • Yosemite Conservancy

Happy Hiking !!

Maple Leaves

It’s that time of year, cold nights, frosty mornings and leaves crunching under your feet.  It’s the perfect time to spend in the woods viewing the brilliant colors of Mother Nature. There are three colorful trees here in the Northeast that dominate the landscape and if you know their distinguishing characteristics are easily identified.  One of the most popular maples in the Northeast is Sugar Maple.

Sugar Maple Fall Colors

Fall Colors, Sugar Maple

Sugar Maples show off their brilliant red, orange and yellow leaves in the Fall. These leaves are five lobed with a smooth margin, a margin is the outermost edge of the leaf. Most maple leaves are about as long as they are wide and the Sugar Maple measures approximately 3 to 5 inches across. By far the easiest way to identify this maple is by the five pointed lobes.

Fall Color Red Maple

Red Maple Leaf

Red Maple in the Fall also has it’s breath taking hues of red, orange and yellow. Unlike the five lobes of Sugar Maple, Red Maple typically has only three distinct lobes and the margin is toothed. Red Maple is comparative in size to Sugar Maple measuring approximately 3 to 6 inches long. In the summer months the leaf stalk and winged seeds (samaras) have a red tinged color to them.

Striped Maple Fall Leaf

Striped Maple

Striped Maple, also a commonly found tree in the Northeast  does not reach the height or width as other maples do. The biggest distinguishing characteristic of  Striped Maple is the sheer size of it’s leaf.  The leaves may measure as much as eight inches across and as wide.  Like Red Maple the Striped Maple has three lobed leaves with a toothed margin.  The overall appearance of the leaf is somewhat droopy as the leaf edges tend to roll downward and are not as stiff as other maple leaves.  The fall color of this maple is limited to yellow. Another easily identified characteristic is it’s bark, the bark of Striped Maple is smooth,  green in color with white vertical stripes.

Once you learn what to look for in a leaf, identification can be pretty simple.  Enjoy your Fall hike all the beautiful colors that surround you and make sure you take lots of pictures.    Happy Hiking !!

MyNature Tree Guide

After a lot of delays we are happy to announce that the Tree app has finally seen the light of day.  MyNature Trees went live in the App Store on Saturday night the 19th of June.  Because of some technical difficulties we kept it under wraps until Tuesday the 22nd.  We were presently surprised that people were still finding it on iTunes with no publicity whatsoever.    Today we’re very excited to find the app ranked 32nd in grossing apps in the reference category,  49th ranked overall in reference and ranked  an impressive 762 out of all app categories combined.   Judging from the user reviews and ratings we’ve done a pretty good job with the design, content and functionality, out of 24 current ratings we are sitting at 21 five stars and 3 four stars.  We’re very pleased that the app has been so well accepted so far, over time it will continue to grow with the addition of  more species and social features to share your discoveries outdoors.

If there is something you would like to see included in the Tree app in the future we value your feedback and would love to hear from you.  Our goal is to make user friendly apps that educate you in Nature and leave you with a pleasant experience at the same time.

We would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to all who have helped us get to this point today. Without your support MyNature Trees would not be achieving the ranking it’s at this moment.

Happy Hiking  !!