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Archives for September 2012

Autumn Voice

they stood along the riverbank
a haphazard line with no formality
arms turned toward the sky
they offer their gifts to the Gods
gold, rubies, precious metals of bronze and copper
with each gust of wind their song of worship is heard
like a million applause it echoes through the gray autumn sky
far up into the mountains and back again
the Gods of Sun, of Rain and Wind have been kind
their congregation,
once a whole
one voice, one color …….. screams out, individually
each of the million before me preaching their own words, their own praise
each their own
and I notice every one
………….. every single one!
Their sermon of color
of beauty
of earth
of life
of seasons beginning and ending
I catch my breath
I sit
I watch
I listen


The Wind Blows

reds and yellows rustle in the breeze
dangling so brilliantly, daintly above me
the colorful landscape reflects in my eyes  
towering against the dull gray september sky
like a giant paintbrush waiting to swipe the canvas
the maple waits.
And then…. the east wind blows
leaf stalks that held so tight through so many winds bid farewell
the sky becomes a living watercolor, an abstract of nature
the most accomplished artist of them all.
and the winds die
colors flutter, twisting and turning, tumbling to the earth
the most perfect leaf lights on my shoulder, crimson red on all five lobes
I smell the fall, I smile
and the wind blows.

2012 Tree App Update

It seems like forever and a day ago that I started the MyNature Tree Guide update.  Well….. I can finally say it’s done and should be out in the app store in a couple weeks. So what’s new in this upate?  Quite a bit actually. We redesigned the whole user interface over to make it a little more attractive when navigating the main page and sub pages in the identification section.tree huggers We’ve added an additional 25 trees found throughout North America, most of the new additions are Western species. You’ll also find a quick search box on several of the pages in the app. Now if you have an idea of what species your trying to identify you can do a quick search of the app to locate that tree. We’ve also added a Life List feature and a journal section to keep your discoveries and field notes right inside the app.  Within the next year we’ll be adding an additional 100 species to the app to bring our total tree list up around 340 species.  We hope you enjoy the new update and thank you for your support over the past three years.


             Show a tree a little love : )