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Archives for October 2012

Mouse House?

With winter coming along I figured I would get a jump on cleaning out the nest boxes I built last spring. Since I was late building and hanging them I didn’t have any high hopes of attracting any nesting birds. Out of the 12 I put out  only 4 had evidence of nests in them, birds nests that is. There happened to be four other boxes that had mice take up residence and they didn’t look like they were leaving anytime soon.  To be totally honest, over all these years I had never cleaned out any of the old nest boxes I had around the property. Its not that I never wanted to, I just got busy every year and never got to it.  The first box  I got to had a little bit of Milkweed seeds in it.  Right away I knew a mouse had been in the box at one time. How did I know that? Well buy the time the Milkweed pods open up and release all their fluffy seeds the birds are well past nesting. The thing I didn’t know was that the mouse was still in there. Reaching in I pulled out a handful of cottony seeds and twigs which was fine it was just the mouse hanging by the tail that scared the hell out of me. I never liked mice!!

I do find it amazing how well the mice had insulated the boxes. There were literally thousands of fluffy milkweed seeds packed into the boxes. I have no clue what the r-value would be but it looked pretty cozy. I’m sure they could have survived the coldest Adirondack winter.  As a cold hearted landlord I did evict the first three rodents from their winter digs but I let the fourth one stay.  Why? I have no idea, I guess I figured it was useless to try and keep the boxes clean and empty until next Spring. If he’s still there come March when I make my rounds I guarantee he’ll be out on his a$$.  After all it’s a bluebird house not a mouse house.


Times of Me

So many times in life we’re caught up in ourselves.
There’s nothing more important than us
than our day
than our time
our money
our possesions.
Some have never felt humbled, never felt worthless, miniscule, irrelevant. 
They have never felt that they’re just……nothing!
Overshadowed by the natural world
the rising of the moon, the vastness of the ocean, the color of an autumn day
For some of us, the lucky ones
there are fleeting moments of uselessness interspersed between the times of Me
I long for those moments, dream of them, I crave them.
To be nothing is to feel everything.
I’ve had no greater moments of irrelativeness than simply standing in the dark woods with a billion stars overhead, watching one single snowflake float to the ground, hearing the first spring peepers on a foggy April night.  
When you stop to smell the roses, when you take that simple phrase to heart, when you realize the world goes on without you, without all of us
you’ll see the grandeur of it all,
you’ll be nothing, yet feel everything.

MyNature Tree App Update

Finally finished…… whew!!  that took along time, nearly a year. The good news though is the tree app had a major overhaul. What you’ll find in this new version.

  • We placed a quick search box on several different screens in the app. You can now search for any tree in the app in a matter of seconds.
  • There are an additional 25 species found in the app. Most of the species are from the Western part of the country.
  • We redesigned the main screen to be a little more user friendly.  Each section of the app is represented by its own icon, just select the appropriate icon and your on your way.
  • There is now a journal feature where you can keep all your field notes or a diary of your outside adventures. Save your text and photo entries.
  • We’ve also added a Life List where you can check off each species you’ve identified. You can add multiple entries for each species.
  • The question section of the app was tweaked just a little  for better navigation.

This new update brings out total species number to around 225 trees found  color, profile, range map and  illustrated drawing.

Enjoy, and remember………….. every day is Earth Day!!